Sara Anne Leeds

Sara Anne Leeds is the Founder of Rhymes With Orange – the destination for a one of a kind and kind to the planet closet. She helps people clean and sell their closets without the work and is a copywriter and journalist for sustainable brands. She is also the host of The One of A Kinds, an IG Live series that raids the closets of creators and entrepreneurs. Find her @sherhymeswithorange on Instagram and TikTok and work with her at

7 Sustainable Fashion Week Designers You Can’t Miss: FW22 Edition

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Well, to us fashion enthusiasts. New York Fashion Week (NYFW) is upon us, with the official kick off scheduled for Friday, February 11th. The winter edition of Fashion Week is often less publicized than it’s September counterpart, yet is just as fabulous and fashion-forward. The most exciting

Sisters Behind Sustainable Fashion Label ‘Siz’ Talks Strong Brand Values and How they Shape Consumer Communication

Sisters Raquel and Sofia of SIZ explain how the build and maintain the sustainable brand values and how this shapes marketing to customers.

Pioneering Fashion Influencers to Watch in Sustainable Fashion and Beauty

In our current fashion and beauty landscape, you would be hard pressed to find a brand without language around their commitment to sustainability. Terms like “zero waste”, “planet-friendly”, “ethical”, or “recyclable” are ubiquitous. Today’s shrewd consumer needs to trust that the intent behind these words is more than just a greenwashing marketing tactic.  Marketing teams


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